Masks Mandatory: Preparation for the Mark of the Beast
So-called Christians everywhere tout their masks and believe they are "saving lives and being good Christians" while condemning their fellow believers who choose not to bow down to Baal, which is exactly what they are doing. Instead of preaching against abortion, pornography, homosexuality, divorce, and the massive plague of fornication amongst our young people, we choose to wear a mask! We are saving so many people by wearing a filthy, constantly touched, non-medical, piece of cloth that are commonly imported from dirty floors with people with terrible hygiene. Wearing a mask is blatant, unwitting worship of the antichrist, and a global first step towards the mark of the beast. Am I being too harsh? Well, if that is harsh, you aren't heeding the voice of Truth. The Spirit of God hasn't, I repeat, HASN'T, called ANYONE, especially His people, to wear a mask. He has NOT given us a spirit of fear, or stupidity, in that case; but a spirit of love, and of power, and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7).
Now that I have made some serious claims, (1) being that those who wear a mask in the Church are unwittingly yet blatantly serving the enemy, and (2) that it is pure stupidity to wear a mask, I must (1) prove Scripturally why my first statement is true, and (2) through logic and reason prove why mask wearing is just plain dumb.
When a government says, "You must do this" and it directly interferes with the affairs of the church, we must seriously consider how to respond. In times past, throughout various plagues, the church has responded aptly and has considered the possibility of death if caution wasn't taken. Yet with COVID-19, where virtually no one has died because of the virus alone, according to the CDC, for Christians to bow down to a plainly satanic fiat is absolutely outrageous. Are we not different than the world? Are we not called the holy priesthood and nation of God? Why then, has the church so quickly departed from her first love and bought into the spirit of fear? Because many so-called Christian's do not really know Jesus. They don't read His Word. For them, Christianity is fire safety. For them to wear a mask is what their pastors say is the "Christian thing to do". They are spiritually blind and deaf, and have no understanding that a "worldwide" pandemic that statistically has a death rate of 0.001 is a not only a scientific fraud but also a spiritual disaster.
Worldwide mask wearing is a pre-cursor to the worldwide institution of the mark of the beast. Anyone who can read is able to clearly understand the statistics surrounding COVID-19. But the problem isn't physical; as always, it is spiritual. People are blind and their form of protection is not the presence of the LORD, but a mask that they constantly touch, cough on, and mangle throughout the day, whilst declaring their good citizenry and care of others. What are you protecting me from I care to ask? Not a pandemic. There is no such thing. The real plague is the fear in the church, and the masses of false believers being prepared to take the mark.
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